Thursday, March 6, 2014

Series 2

 For this assignment I took more still life pictures.  I edited things differently from my first attempt and took pictures from different angles.


  1. Your still life images are very good. I like photos 4 and 6 in particular. The images are sharp and contain a lot of detail, and the lighting contrasts well with the black background.

  2. I like these pictures a lot. My favorite one is the fifth one, because it is positioned interestingly. I like how you took pictures at different angles. Good job!

  3. Your photos are really great. I like how you captured the shadowing the pictures of the lemon. Good job! My favorite out of this set is the fifth one, I think the way the subject arranged is interesting.

  4. I really like your photos. I think the last one of the half apple is my favorite because it looks really interesting. I think for next time try to focus on objects with more interesting textures. great job

  5. I really like these photos and how the dark setting and black background really shows little features that you wouldn't see in other lighting. My favorite was the last one with half of the apple. These photos seem as if the objects could be floating which is really cool.

  6. I really like all your photos and how you captured the lemon and apple at different angles! I especially like the fourth and fifth photos! Great work!

  7. I really like these photos. There is so much contrast in each one and it looks great. Good work!
