Thursday, February 27, 2014

Series 1

For this assignment I chose to take a series of still life pictures. I used a black background for each picture and used simplistic objects as the subjects of the pictures. 


  1. These are all really cool pictures! My favorite picture is the second one, because I like the vintage feel it gives. I like how you photograph simple objects in all sorts of angles! Good job!

  2. You did a really great job on these photos. I think you made the still life look very different and did a great job not making boring photos. I really like the ones of the banana because of the texture. Next time maybe work on objects with cool textures such as the banana. good job

  3. Very interesting still life photos, I am doing a very similar set of photos as well. I like how you managed to get a totally black background.

  4. Great still life images. I like the first 2 photos of the candles. The way that they contrast with the black background really draws the viewer in.

  5. I really like all of your photos, especially the second one because of the angle you shot the picture at. I also really like the contrast between all of the objects and the plain black background. Great work!

  6. these are very interesting. youve definitely mastered the use of a black background and contrast editing along with a black and white filter to make your subject stand out. i think this is a great start, but it would be more interesting to see more complex objects that cast abnormal shadows, like different types of toys or maybe hand positions. great work, i liked these a lot.

  7. I really like all of these photos. You show great contrast between each and every one of them. My favorite are the ones of the Apple. Great Work!

  8. I liked this batch. The dark backgrounds that you took in the photo room was not something I thought anyone would do so good idea. The only constructive criticism I have is that some of the photos could get a little repeditive given your subject
