Thursday, March 13, 2014

Series 3

For this series I expanded on the work that I did on my other two series. I used new objects and new angles to do so.


  1. I really enjoy your new batch of pictures. The new angles you are shooting from are really interesting, such as the third picture. The clear and crisp black background do a good job of bringing the viewers' eyes to the subject. I find the second image really intriguing because the quarter seems to be placed in front of the penny, instead of next to it, creating depth staging.

  2. Great job Lindsey! My favorite picture is the fourth one. I like how you experiment with different angles and the black background.

  3. I really like your new batch. I think what makes it stand out from your others is the object. Both objects have interesting texture that is really brought out in your photos. My favorite is the first. maybe next time work on higher contrast. great job

  4. I love these photos. The color that silver gives off is amazing and I think they are captured by these photos. Great job! Keep using the color of the objects to improve your photos.

  5. I really like all your photos and how you experimented shooting new objects at very unique and interesting angles. I also like how the pain black background really brings out the textures of the two objects. I especially like the first and fourth photos. Great work!

  6. these are wonderful. you were able to find several new images using the same props which i think takes real skill. your use of angles and sizing on the coins were very interesting, and i like how you repositioned the knife. youre doing a wonderful job.

  7. Nice batch of photos, I really like the many angles you use in the photographs.
