Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Eliot Porter Imitation Photos

For this assignment, I had to pick a photographer and take similar style photos to their own work. I chose Eliot Porter, who is well known for his landscapes. I imitated a few landscapes, but also a few close up shots because he takes those types of pictures as well.


  1. I love the third picture because the variety of the landscape's texture is clearly captured. Great job on showing the different shades of nature in your pictures. I suggest taking pictures from a variety of distances, instead of all close-up shots.

  2. I really like your photos. The textures are great. Some look like they're from a jungle. My favorite is the last because of the different colored leaves. Maybe work in different landscapes and not just plants in their dirt. More like flowers in a garden or on a tree. Yours turned out great, good job

  3. I like all of your pictures. I love the colors of the leafs. Good job!

  4. All of your photos are really great! I especially like the third and the last one because of the different colors and textures displayed in each of those pictures. Nice work!

  5. I like the colors in your photo. They shine through and definitely make your photos. Next time to edit your photos.

  6. these are great. i love how well you use color. i also love how you dont include anything in the boarders. it makes the landscape look infinite. great work.

  7. Nice set of photos Lindsey! Your third photo does the best job of capturing the landscape.
