Wednesday, October 23, 2013


The objective of this assignment was to take pictures of people without them posing for the picture. We did not use any props, distracting backgrounds, shadows, or anything else that wasn't the background or the model. This photos were inspired by the photographer Richard Avedon.




  1. You do a really good job of portrary Richard Avedon on your photos. You use the white background, the black and white and the square frame well. You also do a really good job of holding the models eye-contact. My only suggestion for next time is to try to capture different emotions. Good Work!

  2. I really like your photos and you did a nice job capturing Richard Avedon's style. All of your photos show vulnerability and real emotions. Nice work!

  3. Great job! I have a hard time choosing which is my favorite because I enjoy all of them. The photos really mimic Richard Avedon's style extremely well with your square frames, subject in the center of the frame, white background, absence of shadows, and natural expressions. The only thing I think you should change is the background of the first picture because it is overly dark. Choose a different area to shoot next time.

  4. Your photos are great. And I really like how your subjects have almost the same face in each photo. Its add a new element to the photos that I havent seen before. Next time try to take all your photos on a white background.

  5. you did a great job mimicing avedons work. this is the fault of blogger but more deep black and white would have made the images stronger. you did a great job keep it up

  6. I like the last one of ramona alot. it shows a lot of true emotion. Nice photos!

  7. Your photos are really good. You did a great job at capturing the models emotions through the lens.

  8. Your photos are very good, your use of a white background really does a good job of imitating Richard Avedon. My favorite photo is your fourth photo because of the facial expression.

  9. Ramona's expressions and faces in here were priceless and extremely believable. It was funny to me because she is almost always smiling and she has such a cold angry face here. I think this is one of your best batches yet, keep it up!
