Thursday, December 11, 2014

Motion Portraits

For my new series, I decided to take portraits while setting the camera on a low shutter speed. Because of the slow shutter speed and the subject moving I never know what each photo will look like until after it is shot. This creates a nice variety of pictures and ensures that each picture is different.


  1. These are really cool! I like that you only used one model, and the lights had a really interesting effect. Good job!

  2. I like that there is clearly different motion in each photo. I think that the red shirt on the white background helps a lot. Good job.

  3. I like that you can sort of see the subject but part of it is also left up to the imagination

  4. I like how they were all blurred. They were all cool to look at.

  5. I do really like the new series and think you could do a lot of cool things with it. Good job.

  6. great experimentation with motion blur.

  7. These are creative and this project gives you a lot of room for creativity. Can't wait to see what comes next.
