Friday, November 21, 2014

Double Exposures 4

This time I tried to implement the same grey scale that I used in the last set, while trying to listen to peoples comments and improve my pictures. 


  1. I like the first one because you can see all the detail in both the nature and the person.

  2. I think these are very good. I like the ones where you can see both exposures, allowing more of emotion to come through. Like the first one. Good Job.

  3. I like the photos where the background picture is only contained in the outline of the person. Good job.

  4. These photos are nice, but I actually think that a bit of color would benefit your entire series.

  5. All of the pictures turned out very well. I liked how it had a nice mix of the person and the object you over-layed the person with.

  6. I like these photos this week, I think the grey accents the photos really well. But I do agree with Sadey I think a sense of color would benefit your series very well.

  7. I really like these pictures, I think that the pictures of the plants are really pretty and the contrast with the people are really nice. Great job!
