Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Double Exposures

These pictures are based off of the pictures of the portrait photographer Andre de Freitas. I focused on his double exposure pictures and combined portraits with images of nature and some landscapes. 


  1. The pictures are really interesting to look at. I like the reflections of the buildings in the faces, however, I think the buildings are a little too noticeable (I don't know your photographer so if that is the way your photographer did it then its fine).

  2. The double exposure in these photos are spot on. God job, I hope the photos of me get into the Lit Mag.

  3. I really, really like these photographs. Your technique is really interesting and it looks nice. I can't wait to see how you continue!

  4. I think these look super cool. Nice job with the photoshopping

  5. I really like these. It's almost like the landscapes soften the subjects' faces. Good job!
