Friday, September 26, 2014

Symmetry, Asymmetry, and Balance

For this assignment we had to find symmetry, asymmetry, and balance in the world. For symmetry we had to take pictures of things that, if they were folded in half at the center, would be the exact same in each side. Our asymmetric pictures had to be unequal and feature no symmetry. Our balance pictures had to feature symmetry in the background something dynamic in the foreground. Below is an assortment of symmetry, asymmetric, and balance pictures.


  1. I like your photos for this assignment, I think they all show the concepts really well.

  2. Love all your photos you really grasped the idea for this assignment, I especially love photo 1, 5, 8 and 12.

  3. Out of all the photos I have seen the one of the gatorade bottle was my favorite in the class so far. It is just the way you captured it.

  4. Nice job. I think your strongest photo is the one of bronze statue.
