Friday, September 26, 2014

Symmetry, Asymmetry, and Balance

For this assignment we had to find symmetry, asymmetry, and balance in the world. For symmetry we had to take pictures of things that, if they were folded in half at the center, would be the exact same in each side. Our asymmetric pictures had to be unequal and feature no symmetry. Our balance pictures had to feature symmetry in the background something dynamic in the foreground. Below is an assortment of symmetry, asymmetric, and balance pictures.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


For this assignment, we had to go and find lines in different situations. We had to find decorative lines, lines pointing to a subject, and arrangements of lines. I have a mixture of all three in my series.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Micro Worlds

For this assignment, I took tiny figurines and positioned them in front of different back drops on the computer. I had to make sure that there wasn't any glare on the pictures and that you couldn't see anything other then the background and the figurine.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


For this assignment I took pictures of normal objects and tried to make them look abstract. I would take close up shots of objects then edit them to appear abstract.