Thursday, January 16, 2014


For this assignment I tried to create motion in still things using a long exposure setting in my camera. I took pictures of colors, lights, and people. 


  1. Nice job on all your pictures! The first picture is the strongest because you captured two of the three types of subject required in our assignment. The lit bright red exit signs with the black background help pull the viewer's eyes to the patterns. The exit signs seem to be cascading. The third picture could be even better if you took the picture of the person up front, to create designs from his features, such as double eyes, noses, and etc.

  2. Good job on this assignment! My favorite picture is the second to last picture, I like the effect of the lights. I agree with Jessie, you should try getting more effects with the pictures of people.

  3. you did a really good job on this assignment. You have some that are color, some with models, and all capture motion well. my favorite is the exit sign one because it just looks so different yet recognizable. my least favorite is the one of Ele because the motion is too minimal. great job

  4. I really like all your pictures and you did a nice job capturing motion using different subjects. I especially like the second and fifth photos because they both have nice flow. Great job!

  5. these turned out great! i love the one that you took of me! the blank background was actually nice because it was very different than the patterns that are going on in the photos subject. great work!

  6. I love the one with blue lights, super pretty and the way it repeats is awesome. I do not like your last one, personally i think it is too abstract and doesnt capture the assignment.

  7. I like all these a lot. Theyre really impressive. I particularly love the last photo because you somehow, possibly by accident, made it look like a mask of some sort. My other favorite is the third photo. It looks kind of like hair. Good work.

  8. Nice batch of photos, Your 4th is the strongest and best capture the motion while creating a dazzling pattern. As for the rest, I do not see any bad ones.
